Today is July 27, 2024 -

Garden State Region

Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Sheila Kaufman, Webmaster

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Women's League for Conservative Judaism

GSR Logo letterhead Asmall

Welcome to the Garden State Region of Women’s League website. This year we are emphasizing Arevut Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh with a beautiful pin pendant. The meaning of the pin is All of Israel is responsible for each other. WLCJ is the largest synagogue-based women’s organization worldwide, founded in 1918 by Matilde Schechter.  The WLCJ network links over 100,000 women in 13 regions in the United States with groups in Israel, Europe and South America.

Our mission is to serve as a connection between Women’s League and it’s Sisterhood affiliates.  We provide services to strengthen every Sisterhood and a plethora of programs, special interest groups and workshops.   Our programs instill religious ideals of Conservative Judaism into the lives and homes of our members, emphasizing Jewish ethical teachings through mitzvot, education, zooms, community projects and public policy.  We encourage involvement and participation in contemporary issues, on the local, national and international scene, meeting with our Kehillot in Jerusalem and Herzaliya.

The Garden State Region is comprised of 29 Sisterhood in North and Central NJ.  We provide a virtual and live network for making friends, networking and perpetuating Jewish Conservative Judaism through knowledge, engaging in Jewish life and supporting Israel.  Our Region supports Mercaz and the 60+ Masorti Kehillot (congregations) and their sisterhoods in Israel. Masorti Women’s Day of Study Programs are held in Hebrew, Russian, English, and Spanish and are co-sponsored by Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and the Schechter Institutes in Jerusalem.

Please support the Torah Fund campaign is a commitment to help preserve, promote, and perpetuate Conservative/Masorti Judaism in the US and throughout the world. Funding benefits students at the Jewish Theological Seminary (NYC), the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles), the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires) and the Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam, Germany).

Region programs for 5784 include:

  • Coffee and Conversations – Monthly fun and interactive programming for the entire region this year featuring Jewish Gangsters, Insomnia, and Only in Israel Moments-Flowers, Donuts and Sirens.
  • Wednesday, November 8 – Torah Fund Program featuring a student speaker from the Jewish Theological Seminary, Honoree, and a catered dinner with raffles.
  • Sunday, May 19, 2024 Spring Conference and Installation of 2024-26 Officers.

I encourage all of our Affiliates utilize our website and learn and become a part of Women’s Leagues Reads, Distance Workshops, Hebrew Lessons, Bat Mitzvah preparation and attend Makom B’Yachad, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays at 12 Noon.

I look forward to meeting you at Conference or visiting you at your Affiliate.


Lynette Seader, President
Garden State Region-WLCJ




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