Today is 10/03/2024 -

North by Northwest Region

Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Susan Ben-Rubin, Webmaster
Phone: North by Northwest Region

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Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Fall Board Meeting


October 27, 2019 - October 28, 2019    
All Day


Herzl-Ner Tamid
3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, Washington, 98040
Map Unavailable

Fall board is going to be held in Seattle this year on October 27th and 28th.  We will be meeting at Congregation Hertzl Ner Tamid and staying at the Silver Cloud Hotel in Bellevue; which is about 4 miles from the  Synagogue.  NXNW has reserved a block of 10 rooms.  Rate including tax is $136.14 for a room with two double / queen beds.  Our rate is guaranteed until 30 days prior to the event, so attendees should book by September 27.  After September 27, they’ll release our rooms to the general inventory.  Their normal rate is $169 plus 14.4% tax, or $193.34, so this is a substantial savings.

Here is the registration link:


Please attend Fall Board and bring an up and coming board member or board members with you.  We will have some Scholarship money for first time attendees.  The actual $ amount will depend on how many scholarships are given out.
I am talking with Women’s League to get a consultant. My topic for the consultant is Board Building and Succession Planning.  If you have any topics you particularly want discussed please let me know. 

The cost of meals and materials is still being figured out so That will come out in the official announcement as will the application for a Scholarship.  However I wanted to get this information to you now so that you can reserve your room soon.

