Today is 07/27/2024 -

North by Northwest Region

Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Susan Ben-Rubin, Webmaster
Phone: North by Northwest Region

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Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Welcome to our website for the North by Northwest Region of WLCJ. We are pleased you are checking us out!

Our NxNW Region covers a large area stretching from the Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, through Washington State and Oregon to Northern California.

The Region presently includes 9 individual Sisterhoods that hold their own programming during the year. We also have individual members who do not have a nearby Sisterhood community but want to stay connected with Women’s League and our Conservative Jewish community.

The Region, along with the International Women’s League, offers support through a bi-weekly newsletter, messages to our members, on-line Distance Workshops, in-person training programs, a wealth of information on the internet, and even an on-line book club.

We usually gather twice a year, in the fall and spring, when we conduct region business and provide education for our “Sisters”. Of course this also allows time to build our connections, make new friends and re-energize ourselves and our Sisterhoods! In between, we take advantage of electronic technology to allow us to see each other during planning meetings.

As members of the International Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, we support Torah Fund, an arm of WLCJ that raises funds to support the Conservative Jewish Seminaries in New York, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Buenos Aires, and now in Potsdam, Germany. Torah Fund is essential for supporting the education of our Conservative Rabbis, Cantors and Jewish Educators. We also support Mercaz, and have opened communication pathways with our Masorti (Israeli) sisters to share information.

Jennifer Kalenscher
Region President
North by Northwest Region, WLCJ


Past Events

Rodeo of Life- NxNW Region Spring Conference May 19-May 20, 2024 at Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, OR

Fall Board Meeting
October 27, 2019 - October 28, 2019, All Day