Today is 09/15/2024 -

North by Northwest Region

Women's League for Conservative Judaism

Susan Ben-Rubin, Webmaster
Phone: North by Northwest Region

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Women's League for Conservative Judaism

This week’s Torah portion is Pinchas.  This portion includes the story of the daughters Zelophechad, from the tribe of Menashe.  It centers on the question of inheritance rights when there were no sons to inherit their father’s land.  After a long discussion involving Moses and God, the answer was that the daughters could inherit, but could not marry outside the tribe of Menashe. 

Since the time our ancestors were wandering in the desert, women have been looking to find a place of our own within the Jewish community.  One such place for us is the North by Northwest Region of Women ‘s League for Conservative Judaism. 

Our Region covers a large area stretching from the Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, and in the United States, through Washington State, Oregon and Northern California. Presently, we are nine individual affiliates each of us holding our own programing throughout the year. We also have individual members who participate in Women’s League programs even though they are not part of an affiliate.  

A key goal for this term is summarized by the word, “Engagement.”  We want our affiliates to share their events, programs, and ideas throughout the NxNW region.  Even though geographically we are large, we can utilize the tools of electronics to seem as if we are next door to each other.  We want to focus our efforts in sharing our calendars with our fellow affiliates within the Region, so that members throughout North by Northwest can participate in multiple events and develop relationships with women beyond their own affiliates. The leadership of the Region is planning to visit and participate with you in your activities.   

In the next few days our Region will be hosting a Women’s League Leadership Institute at Congregation Beth David in Saratoga, California.  The goal is for the participants to engage together in expanding our Jewish knowledge and leadership skills 

The NxNW Region and WLCJ both have websites.  The International Women’s League publishes a weekly online newsletter called, WL Week.  Each week you can find a Shabbat message and information and links to programs supported by the WLCJ International organization. You can link to WL Week through the WLCJ website or through our NxNW bi-weekly newsletter, Isha.  Our Isha also includes updates of events of which each of our Affiliates are presenting.  Both the International Women’s League and the North by Northwest Region offer distance workshops, in-person training programs, an on-line book club and a wealth of news and information on the internet. 

Please check our website throughout the year and please open and read the WL Week and the Isha when they enter your email inbox. You receive these each regularly as a member of Women’s League.  If you do not see them please check your Promotions tab or your Spam file.  

We usually gather two times a year, on zoom and/or in-person for a Fall board meeting and a Spring conference.  It is a time for camaraderie, learning and conducting Region business. 

The major fundraising program of the International Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is the Torah Fund.  Torah Fund supports the Conservative Jewish seminaries in New York, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Buenos Aires, and Potsdam, Germany. Torah Fund supports the education of our Conservative Rabbis, Cantors and Jewish Educators. We also support Mercaz, and we communicate and share with our Masorti (Israeli) sisters. 

Looking forward to sharing, learning, and communicating with you. 

Most Sincerely, 

Sandra Eliaser. Region President 

North by Nortwest Region 


Past Events

Rodeo of Life- NxNW Region Spring Conference May 19-May 20, 2024 at Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, OR

Fall Board Meeting
October 27, 2019 - October 28, 2019, All Day